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Empowering Programs

The Empowered Sacred Feminine Program

Ready to empower your Goddess within, “wake-up” to your true sacred feminine identity, and remember just how powerful you are meant to be? 

YES?! Ok then... I will help you empower your sacred femininity. This 9-session

program will help you heal past traumas, activate your inner feminine Christ codes, take back your power and embody your sacred feminine sovereignty.

My work often helps people to level up to the next level of their spiritual lifepath, bringing in activations, attunements, frequency upgrades, Source Code activations or upgrades, Priestess Code activations, Grid activations, Clearing soul contracts, remembering your truth and why you are here, mentoring to the next level of your path or self, aligning to higher self of a twin flame, twin flame clearing and alignment, soul retrieval, soul blueprint clearing and alignment, much much more I cannot even put it into words! 


The Codes I embody as a Christed Feminine with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Arcturian guides, Lady Nada, Archangelic self including AA Michael, Yeshua or Sananda, Sophia or Source, and others, help you to connect to your sacred soul lineage, Best highest version of self, Priestess lineage, Rose Sister alignment, Arcturian and Pleadian alignments, angelic self, or other higher self embodiment. These are just a few of the energies I embody or work with and am able to bring through to you in our work together, both energetically and channeled messages. Our Team works together in unison to help bring forward what you most need to have cleared, healed, and aligned, meeting you where you are at on your Soul Journey. 

Investment Options Provided on Booking Page. 


$1299 Ca PREPAY Discount or

$444 Ca/3 payments. 

Release Your Blocks

Release paralyzing fears, clear limiting beliefs and misconceptions about your femininity. Reprogram your repetitive patterns, stop engaging in negative self-talk and remove energy blocks that are preventing you from owning your power.

Break-free from religious institutions, family traditions, media influence, and projected beliefs of others that you have absorbed.

Re-Code Your DNA

Recode your DNA with guidance from Mary Magdalene and Sophia by removing energetic interference that is preventing you from aligning with your highest/Christed energetic frequency. Activate your feminine Christ codes and remember the empowered sacred feminine

being you truly are.

Reclaim Your Feminine Power

Unlock your Goddess identity and embrace your sexuality. Step into your femininity by taking back your power. Get in touch with your sexuality and learn how to express your sexual desires. Experience sexual intimacy without shame and guilt. Harness your sacred sexual power and embody your Priestess self as you become the creator of your life and step into the highest version of you!


During your 90-Min. sessions, we will utilize a combination of  energy work techniques with high-frequency Galactic Energy Healing Channeled direct from Source, that works directly with your higher-self and assist you with re-aligning with Source energy.

Working through layers of blocks, core wounds, inner child, shadow self, ego self, programming, beliefs, fears, distortions, and attachments (even entities or implant removal if needed), we clear, release, heal, your many layers of your past and current life, as well as distorted parts of self, with compassion, unconditional love, within the safety of Protected Sacred Space, helping you to discover a higher, clearer, aligned sacred soul self that you are and always have been meant

to be. 

As we clear, release and heal, higher codes of your higher self enter in, your purpose, mission, core soul self, may enter in, activations often enter in, and embodiment of your highest self enters when ready and the pathway is cleared, healed and aligned. 

Are You Ready to take ownership of your vibration and become the leader of your own life so you can attract your deepest desires…

Ready to Awaken Your Sacred Feminine Power Gracefully?

You can't fully embrace your goddess divinity until you heal your past trauma, awaken your feminine Christ codes and embody your sovereignty! 

Do You...

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  • Feel stuck by limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving the success you deserve?

  • Seem to continue repetitive patterns that are blocking you from getting ahead in life?

  • Bogged down by childhood traumas that are preventing you from experiencing loving relationships?

  • Feel disconnected with your creative power?

  • Wish you could set boundaries and stop appeasing the needs of others?

  • Feel disrespected and not good enough to experience true love?

  • Wish you could speak your truth, but avoid conflicting conversations?

  • Want to be more open and authentic?

  • Desire to discover your purpose?

  • Tired of hoping things will change, but find yourself continuing loops of chaos?

  • Feel like you are not seen, heard nor understood?

The Journey Towards Empowering Your Inner Goddess...

Begins on the Path to Becoming Whole in Mind, Body, Heart & Soul!

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Would You Like To...

  • Experience personal freedom and feel empowered?

  • Feel confident that you are making the right decisions for you?

  • Discover who you really are?

  • Speak your truth with certainty?

  • Own your voice and take responsibility for your choices?

  • Create the life you desire filled with joy?

  • Articulate how you feel without doubt?

  • Feel a sense of wholeness and connection to a power greater than you?

  • Feel strong, stable and secure?

  • Experience inner peace in your daily life?

  • Tap into your value and know that you are worthy?

Are You Ready to take ownership of your vibration and become the leader of your own life so you can attract your deepest desires…

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Sacred Feminine Healing Journey

Sacred Success Stories


Nancy Lawson

I have had multiple sessions with Natalie. She works with angels, ascended masters and galactics. My favorite part about her is that she constantly learns new techniques and modalities, so she always has something cool to pull out of her "healing toolbox."


Vanna Ricard

Natalie is very gifted, with a deep and pure connection to the divine. My Reiki session was amazing. I had suffered from pain and stiffness in my neck and back. She helped to release it, and I now feel 100 lbs. lighter. She also used light language and delivered intuitive messages that were both powerful and eye opening.


Dr. Harmony

It was a pleasure to watch Natalie transform throughout her journey towards finding her voice, owning her truth and reclaiming her power. I am confident that if you follow her advice, you too will take ownership of your feminine power and become the leader of your own life!

Empowering Reviews

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